Notary Project Adopters

Known adopters who use Notation in production or integrate Notation into their products and services.

The following organizations are known adopters who use Notation in production or integrate Notation into their products and services.

We are happy and proud to have you all as part of the community! To add your use case and organization to this list, please raise a pull request.

All organizations are sorted alphabetically below.

Organization Website Scenario
Amazon AWS Signer
containerd container image sign and verify with notation tool
Harbor Storage and display Notary Project signature
Kyverno Support verifying Notary Project signature
Microsoft Build, sign, and verify container images using Notation and Azure Key Vault
Ratify Validating OCI Artifact signatures using Notation library
Tanzu Application Catalog Sign and Verify OCI artifacts (e.g. Helm charts, container images, and metadata bundles
Venafi Sign and Verify container images using Notation and Venafi CodeSign Protect
Last modified December 20, 2023 : Update content/en/docs/ (a58548e)